
fuck off order! bought a CAR!

My home for the next 5 month: HOLDEN COMMODORE
15 years old and 270000km

so i will try to install a creative and comment wall in there. so if you want to tell something to my car go ahead.

name search started now:



It was the end of freshers week, and there was the freshers ball in triviont (the student uni).
but when i arrived they already stopped letting people in -.-

at the place in front of triviot stand the juggling society, so i join them vor half an hour, until they went.

wandering around with out any plan, reaching georgs squares lecture theater, i saw mike and found the occupation group. 

they demonstrate against the fee raising to 9000gbp in Scotland for English, Irish an non-eu students.
and squatted the university for 36hours , to embarrassed the university and so they move back.

it was great fun drinking in the university.

after tidying up it goes in a screaming group to a pup.

the local papers about the action: